Jaeger Counseling Blog
A Marriage & Pre-marital Counseling Individual & Family Therapy Resource |
Fear is the way our body responds emotionally to either a real or perceived immediate threat, flight or fight. Anxiety is our anticipation of an event in the future and may carry with it muscle tension or hyper-vigilance in preparation for potential danger. Worry is our thoughts about the future, including problems that can’t yet or might not even need solving. In sum, as humans, we desire and we strive to be in control of as much as we can, as often as we can. It is physiologically impossible for our brains to be both anxious/worried/afraid and relaxed (at peace) at the same time. As long as anxiety rules our thoughts and our emotions, we sacrifice our peace.
No question, we have a lot to worry about; relationships, children, jobs, homes, health, finances, and more. The solution isn’t to rid ourselves of the sources of anxiety, that is not realistic. Instead, we need to recognize where the worry and anxiety originates and learn the tools to find peace and joy. |
Norman Jaeger